Machine Learning
- (2019) [pdf] Notes on Focal Loss
Graduate and Post-Graduate Papers
- (2020) [pdf, arxiv, Phys Rev Fluids]
Renormalized analytic solution for the enstrophy cascade in two-dimensional quantum turbulence
- (2019) [pdf, arxiv, Phys Rev E]
Vortex-loop calculation of the specific heat of superfluid 4He under pressure
- (2014) [pdf, arxiv, Journal of Physics]
Dynamics of the forward vortex cascade in two-dimensional quantum turbulence
- (2013) [pdf, arxiv, Phys Rev Letters]
Exact Solution for Vortex Dynamics in Temperature Quenches of Two-Dimensional Superfluids
- (2012) [pdf] My dissertation on superfluid theory
- (2011) [pdf] Derivation of a Fokker-Planck Equation (Errata)
- (2010) [pdf] Gravito-Electromagnetism (GEM)
- (2008) [pdf] Free Quantum Field Theory of Scalar Particles
Undergraduate Papers
- (2005) [pdf] Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen in a Laser Field via the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation – This was my undergraduate senior thesis, which I wrote while with Dr. Chi-Yu Hu’s research group at California State University, Long Beach.
- (2004) [pdf, arxiv] e+ + H direct annihilation above the positronium formation threshold – A paper published by Dr. Hu’s research group, whom I was working with.
- (2004) [pdf] Simulating Quench Signals in the LHC Superconducting Dipole Magnets – This was my report for the 2004 CERN Summer Student Program. I also gave a presentation of my project in the Student sessions (2/6) of the Summer Student Lecture Programme 2004. Here are the files:
- (2003) [pdf] Conductivities in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems – This was my report for the 2003 Los Alamos Summer School (LASS) in Physics.